Dr.Gayathri Murthy
A Strong foundation in occlusion is what every dentist has to have.it plays a vital role in every aspect of dentistry..seeing Dr.Vasanth sir practice Occlusion with such perfection and passion has never ceased to amaze me..Every time you be in his class you always have something new to take back, constantly updating and adding his clinical experience to it !! i must say incorporating occlusion has opened up a lot of new opportunities in my clinical practice and made dentistry more predictable and enjoyable! An extraordinary mentor and i am proud to be his student !
Dr. Vasanth is a great teacher, he doesn't give answers but makes us think to get it..and his course is surely the best of it's kind. TMD and FMR ain't rocket science to me anymore. In fact I learnt that those are the basics of practical dentistry. All the cases shown by him, are from his own work and that makes us believe even more on his teaching. He changed my entire perception of Dentistry!
Dr.Richa Dhanda
It all started accidentally by my introduction to Dr Vasanth by one of our dear friends and colleague. I happened to attend his course in Chennai which opened my mind to this wonderful quad of TMD,FMR,OCCLUSION and ORTHODONTICS. This has brought a sea of change in my professional life.
Thanks to Dr Vasanth, I am learning new things every day and my patients are getting immensely benefitted.
In my 22 years of Dental practice I have not come across a more passionate and sincere teacher who is always available for guidance.
Dr.Kaushal Kishore
Great mentor, learnt a lot of things from him. Truly walks his talk and preaches only what he practices.
I attended his FMR course many years ago. It is a game changer for our dental practice. Now with lots of updates, I'm looking forward to taking it up again